31 DECEMBER 1842, page 9

The Pantomimes.

THE spell of Pantomime is broken : the leaden mace of Dulness frus - trates the magic power of Harlequin's wand ; a»d the shouts of merri- ment that should follow the practical......

Poor-law Reform For Scotland.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sin—In reading your Number of 10th December, I was surprised to find that you, who are so well informed on most subjects, should be so much at......

Topics Of The Day.

CHRISTMAS COMPLIMENTS TO OUR FRIENDS THE "LIBERALS." Tots is the season at which neighbours and acquaintances are ac- customed to wish each other every thing that is good and......

Mr. Wilson Has Resumed His " Illustrations Of Scottish...

at Wornum's Rooms; which increase in popularity, as the interest of the subject and the characteristic style in which the examples are sung and the anecdotes related become......

Musical Performances.

THE opera of Artaxerxes was played at Covent Garden on Tuesday night, ' in deference, said the bills, to the wish of persons who wished to see Mrs. ALFRED Sam in a "a purely......