31 DECEMBER 1943, page 12

Sir,—are Not Sir Henry Slesser's Fears Unfounded Or, To Be

more precise, founded upon a loose interpretation of that sentence of the Atlantic Charter you quote ? "The right of all peoples to choose the form of .government under which......

Sir,—don't You Think That The Love Of Fiction In Females

springs mainly from three causes? SIR,—Don't you think that the love of fiction in females springs mainly from three causes? t. Women are much more interested in individuals......

Employment For Ex-service Men

Stn,—The Labour Exchange, knowing we needed more men, recently sent us a carpenter, an ex-soldier, discharged through wounds. We tried him out in the joiners' shop first, but......

Sts,—the Article " Women's Minds," By Miss Elizabeth...

last week's Spectator is a terrible indictment of our schools. For our schools must be to blame. Travel by 'bus, or train, with any group of girls from a Secondary School.......

Women's Minds

LETTERS TO THE 'EDITOR SIR, —As one who bore a full share of the price paid in " imprisonments, hunger. strike, forcible feeding " and the rest in the agitation for the......

Self-determination For Germany

SIR,—Sir Henry Slesser's letter raises a point concerning which there should surely not be the least misunderstanding. It would be intolerable if after winning the war we......