31 DECEMBER 1977, page 14

My Jubilee

Jeffrey Bernard Thank God that's all over. Not a vintage year for me, I can tell you. It must have been fun for the Queen though, although I, personally, wouldn't like to be......

Mr Whitlam's Record

Sir: Michael Dean's article (17 December) on Gough Whitlam is a shallow and inaccurate piece, redeemed only by his depiction of Whitlam's style. His belief that Whitlam was more......

Szasz In Print

Sir: 1 have got news for all your readers who learned from Geoffrey Wheatcroft (Notebook, 17 December) of the demise of Thomas Szasz's books. Like the author himself, whom your......

Lack Of Risk Capital

Sir: Surely the ever-growing size of the life and pensions funds is not due to their efficiency in collecting the nation's savings, as Mr Nicholas Davenport stated (17......