31 JANUARY 1835, page 2

In The Court Of King's Bench, On Monday; Mr. George

Nicholson, . the Marquis of Salisbury's agent in Hertford, and Mr. F. IV. N. Bailey, editor of a newspaper in the same town, were sentenced to pay a fine of 1001. each, and......

Ebr Airtrapolbt: The Benders Of The Inner Temple (on The

motion of the present Attorney-General) lately passed the following resolutions : " That it is expedient that It be proposed to the other Societies, that so much of the "tench......

The News From Spain Is Rather Alarmin G . We Mentioned Last

week that LLAUDER, the War Minister, w ho is a favourite of the Queen Regent, was suspected of a desig n to restore the system of at a d BERMUDEZ. On this account, ad also......

The Question Of The American Indemnity Seems For The Present

to be laid on the shelf by the French Chamber of Deputies. The Ministerial Bill for payment of the money has been referred to a Committee, which is not expected to make a report......

Ev Court.

THERE has been rather more gayety at the Brighton Palace this week than the last. On Monday evening, their Majesties gave a dinner- party, to which the following ladies and......