31 JANUARY 1925, page 20

There Is An Excellent Book Of Travels Published This Week

by the Bodley Head, Two Vagabonds in the Balkans, by Jan and Cora Gordon. The authors have illustrated their book delightfully. In the Land of the Laughing Buddha, by Upton......


THIS WEEK'S BOOKS Mn. J. B. S. HALDANE has followed up his success in Daedalus with a still more brilliant book Callinieus (Kegan Paul). In it he examines, with an ironic air of......

Dr. Paul Bousfield In Sex And Civilization (kegan Paul) Set

out to prove that there is no radical inferiority, even in physique, in womankind : .that few of. the . distinguishing characteristics which we call " feminine " have any......

Professor W. Kohler Spent Many Years Observing The Be-...

of anthropoid apes ; setting them small intelligence tests ; and noting down their conduct in affection, excitement, anger, and other emotion states. His experiments are......


THE SELECTORS' REPORT THE final report and the Editor's award will be published in next week's Spectator ; but we are sure that competitors, and, indeed, all our readers, will......

Boomerangs And Brickbats

Th Jutland Scandal. By Admiral Bacon. .(Hutchinson. 5s.) WHEN Lord Fisher came to the Admiralty in 1904, he came to revolutionize sea power by Dreadnoughts and Submarines, and......