31 JANUARY 1964, page 20

Farce And Fable

By DAVID PRYCE-JONES Home and Beauty. (Ash- croft Theatre, Croydon.) —The Cloud. (Hamp- stead Theatre Club.)— The Roses are Real. (Vaudeville.) — The Brontës. (Arts.) SOMERSET......

All For Pete

The Leather Boys. (Em- pire; 'X' certificate.)— Zulu. (Plaza; 6 U'. certifi- cate.) As every film-goer now knows that the English proletariat lives on baked 3 beans and bingo,......

Insults And Images

If I followed Mr. Tynan's argument correctly, it seemed that the only art forms that appealed to him were narrative, so his intelligence must be taking umbrage every time he......