31 JULY 1915, page 2

The Debate On Compulsory Service In The Commons On Wednesday

night was remarkable for the speeches in its sup- port made by Liberal Members. Captain Guest, who raised the question, declared that if we were to win in the present war, and......

The Elections And Registration Bill Was Read A Second Time

in the Commons on Friday week. It provides that municipal and local elections shall not take place during the national crisis. Mr. Long explained that by suspending work on the......

Later In The Day On Monday Lord Robert Cecil Admitted

that Germany was receiving too much cotton, but he deeply resented a remark that the Government were fighting with their gloves on. There had been much ignorant and offensive......

On Wednesday Mr. Asquith Moved That The House Should Adjourn

till September 14th. Replying to critics of the seven weeks' adjournment, he said that it was not a question of holiday-making. Members had had no holiday since the beginning of......

We Admit That All This Would Amount To A. Distinction

without a difference. We mean in any case to stop the shipment of cotton to Germany, and whether . it be 'stopped under one name or under another the distress—ao far as there is......

In The Commons On Friday Week The Bill Limiting The

price of coal passed through the Committee stage. The Govern- ment accepted an amendment by which a contract is not to be rendered void because the price named therein is above......

Mr. Lloyd George Subsequently Made A Long And Important...

on the question of .war munitions. Sixteen national factories had already been set up, but, while measures were. being taken largely to increase the supply of 'shells, bombs,......

Referring To Trade Union Restrictions, Mr. Lloyd George...

be was told the men could easily turn out twenty- five per cent. more shot and shell and war materials if they would shake themselves free from the domination of practices which......

We Agree That There Has Been A Great Deal Of

exaggeration as to the miraculous effect which would be produced by declaring cotton contraband. If such a step is likely to do good we believe that the Government will take it,......

In The Commons On Monday Sir John Simon Moved The

withdrawal of the Welsh Church Postponement Bill. The only purpose of the Bill, be said, was to avoid controversy during the war, but 'as the Bill was not supported in nil......