31 MARCH 1906, page 15

Pro The Editor Op Tee "spectator.')

Sin,—Mr. Arthur J. Clark's letter in your issue of the 17th inst, is as timely as it is admirable. May I be allowed, as a Wesleyan layman, to corroborate his testimony ? Among......

Emigration And The Unemployed.

(To VIE EDITOR Or TR& " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—You were good enough last year to insert a letter of mine in your columns in connection with emigration and the unemployed, in which I......

On The Growth Of The Newer Nonconformity.

[To THE EDITOR Or THII "SPECTATOR,"] Sra, — While cordially sympathising with the sentiments expressed by your correspondent, Mr. Clark, in the Spectator of March 17th, I cannot......

Nonconformist Endowments.

ITO TRIG EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.1 you allow me to say, in reply to your correspondent Mr. G. H. F. Nye under the beading "Nonconformist Endow- ments" in your issue of March......

Paupers And Palaces. [to Thy Editor Op Tee " Spectator:1

BI, —In your sympathetic and kindly leader of last week dealing with the articles contributed by me to the Daily Mail upon Metropolitan pauperism you suggest that I should be......