31 MARCH 1961, page 13


Demolition Job Dr. R. F. Tredgold In Hospital With My Son Mrs. Irene Overall, Dr. N. M. Jacoby Milton F. R. Leavis, Boris Ford, Arthur Capey Within the Family Malcolm Muggeridge......

Sia,—your Correspondent Mrs. Thomas Says In Her Letter,...

hospitals in the whole country admit mothers with their children under five without discriminetion: I assume that one of thcm is the Children's Hospital, Pembury, Tunbridge......


SIR,—When Professor Kermode was making, in his jocular way, the point (to quote the rendering we are now given) that 'many young people were en- couraged, prematurely, to......

In Hospital With My Son

S1R,—The article by Miss Quigly on this subject and the subsequent correspondence have interested many of your readers, but one part of this problem seems not to have been much......