31 MARCH 1973, page 26

Box Populi

Sir: You have published nothing better from the pen of Simon Raven than 'Milton Shulman and the box populi ' (March 17) — a superb philippic on philistine values. Of course much......

Enoch And The Tories

Sir: If the Duke of Devonshire goes to such lengths, in order to avoid listening to Mr Powell, what on earth will he do if and when his Constituency Association is threatened......

From Mrs Isla M. Atherley Sir: Mr Enoch Powell Is

being treated abominably by the so called Conservative Party and the conformist press, presu..s!cause he is remaining loyal to his Queen and country and to conservative......

Food Guidance

Sir: Pamela Vandyke Price (March 3) really lets the cat out of the bag — or should it be the oyster out of the shell? — when she claims that over-indulgence in the convoluted......

From Mrs D. Clegg Sir: Pamela Vandyke Price Is To Be...

What I find disturbing is that more and more countries are turning to sugar production because Admass provides a ready market. Western Europe is increasing production of beet......

Student Grants

Sir: You find it objectionable (March 17) that "grown people" should take students seriously. I, of course, am less upset about it. Indeed, I am positively pleased to see that......

Sir: I Have Read With Mounting Disgust And Repugnance Your

sorry apology for a leading article on the front page of your March 17 issue entitled ' Fewer means better.' Whoever wrote it must have obtained his facts from a Christmas......

Heating Allowances

Sir: Custos (March 17) comments on the recent statement by sir Keith Joseph on heating allowances for families and old people. He is quite right that a general misconception now......