31 MAY 1879, page 24

Spent In The Service: A Memoir Of The Very Rev.

Achilles Daunt, D.D., Dean of Cork. By the Rev. F. R. Wynne, MA. (Hodder and Stoughton.) — This book depicts with sympathetic vividness a character of unusual beauty and charm.......

Coward Conscience. By F. W. Robinson. 3 Vols. (hurst And

Blackett.)—There can be no doubt that this is a clever book, but as little, we think, that it is not a good novel. It wants the necessary characteristic of attractiveness. There......

Round The World In Six Months. By Lieutenant-colonel E. S.

Bridges, Grenadier Guards. (thirst and Blackett.)—The author explains, in a preface of a few words, that the number of inquiries received from friends and acquaintances about......

Classic Preachers Of The English Church. Second Series....

will be sufficiently high praise to say that this series of lectures forms a worthy successor to a volume of the same title, which we noticed some time ago in these columns. The......

Publications Of The Week.

Bernays (A. J.), Skeleton Notes on Analytical Chemistry, 12mo ...(Chorch111) 2/6 Boultbee (T. P.), History of the Church of England, 8vo (Longman) 15/0 Bowman (A.), New......