31 OCTOBER 1891, page 2

Mr. Balfour Was Very Amusing, Also, In His Criticism On

Mr. Gladstone's Newcastle speech :—" It reminded me more than anything else of what I believe is called in theatrical, or perhaps I ought to say, music-hall phraseology, a......

Mr. Morley Delivered A Speech To The Manchester Reform Club

on Monday, in which he attacked Mr. Chamberlain very sharply for his speech at Sunderland ; but before addressing himself to that subject, he gave his testimonial to Mr.......

Mr. F. Smith Was Returned For The Strand On Tuesday

by a majority of 3,006 votes over Dr. Gutteridge. Mr. Smith polled 4,952 votes, against 1,946 for Dr. Gutteridge. The poll was a rather light one,-6,898 in all. In 1885, the......

Sir William Harcourt's Reply, Addressed To " My Dear...

published in yesterday's Times, is a very uncandid affair. While carefully disclaiming (though without men- tioning) Mr. Fuller's direct imputations of Mr. Goschen's intention......

Mr. G. P. Fuller, M.p. For The Westbury Division Of

Wilt- shire, has given the Chancellor of the Exchequer the oppor- tunity he wanted for exposing the attacks made upon his finance by Sir W. Harcourt and a fair number of Sir W.......

Mr. Fuller's Reply Showed That He Really Knew Nothing In

detail about the matter, but was relying on the vague asser- tions of Mr. Goschen's Parliamentary critics,—whereupon Mr. Goschen exhibited Mr. Fuller's blunders in all their......

To This Very Strong Language Mr. Chamberlain Replied In...

Times, by remarking that he never denied his own share of responsibility for the blunders of the Government between 1880-1885, but that he did not see how that precluded him......

We Hardly See Why This Country Should Subscribe To Relieve

Russian famine. The Empire is quite rich enough to tak e care of its own people, and the authorities, to do them jus- tice, are quite ready to do it. No subscription would clear......