31 OCTOBER 1925, page 16

Socialism And The Common Law .

" [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] • SIR,-- Great as is•my respect for . the learning of Sir Frederick Pollock, and - greatly as r share your reverence fOr the common law, I......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] • Sir,--ari Ounce Of

experience is worth a ton of theory. May I give my own, even if it seems to involve an excessive use of the first person singular ? That, I am afraid, is unavoidable, but my......

The Homecrofting Scheme

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR .] SI R So many inquiries have been `Made 'as to how the Home= croft experiment is faring—not of myself, exactly, but of my friends- - -that I......

The Foolishness Of Preaching [to The Editor Of The...

SIR,—It is many years since I commenced reading the Spectator regularly, but I do not remember any article which gave me keener pleasure than Dr. Inge's. As a Scotsman and......

The Peking Tariff Conference

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I represent in the Far East a large British engineering firm, and have just returned from one of my periodical visits of several months to......