3 APRIL 2004, page 28

The Lone Defender

From Stuart Allison Sir: I was disappointed to read that the government's programme of creeping republicanism — the removal of the Crown from Treasury notepaper, the police......

A Political Animal

From Chris Patten Sir: Frank Johnson (Shared opinion, 20 March) comments on my principal reason for not wishing to be considered as a candidate for the chairmanship of the BBC —......

A Place In The Sun

From Toby Young Sir: I feel some sympathy for Sheridan Morley (Letters, 27 March). Like him, I've been sacked from numerous journalistic posts and I've always had a very low......

Evolution Is Only A Theory

From Angus Watson Sir: In your 20 March issue Andrew Kenny misses the point in the argument against Darwinism ('Down with superstition'). To question evolution theory on the one......