3 AUGUST 1839, page 9


A silly paragraph having appeared in the Treasury paper the Oh- server, on Sunday last, stating that the Marquis of Londonderry had refused to drink the Queen's health with the......


The Tories in Aberdeen are proposing to start Sir George Murray its a candidate for its representation at the next election. A Chartist Convention is to be held in Glasgow on......

The Times, On Thursday, Fell Foul Of Sir Robert Peel,

and lectured the Tory leader in the following fashion— "Respecting the discussion on the Poor-rates Collection Bill, which oc- curred in the House of Commons on Thursday, we can......


The Earl of Dunraven, it is said, will be the new Irish Representa- tive Peer. At a public meeting held in Dublin on Monday, to oppose the renewal. of the Bank of Ireland......

It Appears By - A Return Laid Before The House Of

Commons, that the House has expended for printing Parliamentary papers, within the last eight sessions only, no less a sum than 373,116/. 5s. 2d. The will of the late Mr. Mori,......

The Death Of The Eccentric Lady Hester Stanhope Is Announced

to have taken place at Djoun, in Syria, on the 23d of June. Lady Hester had been long ill. The marriage of the Duke of Leuchtenberg with the Grand Dutchess Maria of Russia took......

A Fatal Affray Necurred Between The Police And The People

on Thursday week at St. Mullins, in the Southern part of the county Carlow. Ks we understand, the Police: interfered to suppress factious fighting : they were resisted: an......

The Sheriff Of Ayrshire, Mr. Bell, Has Warned The Earl

of Eglintoun against holding the approaching tournament ; reminding the Earl, that it' anybody was killed, or hurt so as to endanger life, all the parties must be indicted for a......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

DIRT/IS. On the 27th tilt., in Grosvenor Square, the Viscountess Mnormr, of a son. On the ult., in Brunswick Place, Regent's Park, the Hun. Mrs. MAcr.con or Macleod, of a .mar.......