3 AUGUST 1895, page 25

Golden Lads And Girls. By H. A. Hinkson. (downey And

Co.) —This is a story of essentially modern Ireland, which is yet written in that style which made Irish novels of a generation ago so very popular to readers of that period. In......

An Imaginative Man, By Robert S. Hichens. (heinemann.)—...

author of "The Green Carnation" presents in his new book nothing of the character of a chronique eeandaleuse, but only a very remarkable study of a man who, brooding over the......

Current Literature.

My First Book. With an Introduction by Jerome K. Jerome_ (Chatto and Windus.)—Twenty-two authors, Mr. Jerome among them, tell the story of how their first book came to be......

The Salt Of The Earth. By Philip Lafargue. (archibald Con-

, stable.)—These are undoubtedly very clever studies of men and -women in the guise of stories, although there is in some of them rather too much of subtle psychological......

Llanartro. By Mrs. Fred Reynolds. (gay And Bird.)—the...

this guileless story describes it as a "Welsh Idyll ; " and unquestionably, if Welsh scenery and a sweet girl who paints fairly and answers to the attractive name of Meg, and......

The Highway Of Sorrow. By Hesba Stretton. (cassell And Co.)

—Miss Hesba Stratton's story relates the sorrows and troubles of the Stundists, the Nonconformists, as they may be called, of Russia. That they are an interesting community is......

A Worthy Volume Of The "elizabethan Library" (elliot...

The Friend of Sir Philip Sidney ; being Selections from the Works in Verse and Prose of Greville, Lord Brooke, made by Alexander B. Grosart. Mr. Grosart begins with a number of......

Rust Of Gold. By Francis Prevost. (ward, Lock, Bowden, And

Co.)—The author of this collection of clever but unpleasant stories and dramatic scenes dedicates it to Count Tolstoi; but he is a pupil of M. Paul Bourget, rather than of the......

Reunion Of Christendom In Apostolic Succession For The...

of the World. By the Rev. W. Earle. (Elliot Stock.)—Mr. Earle is very much troubled at the division of Christendom, and has a remedy to propose. "Let every one agree with me,"......

Studies In Miniature. By "a Titular Vicar." (digby And...

—" Grip the Miser" seems to be a reincarnation of our old friend .Scrooge in "The Christmas Carol;" "Poor Marjorie" is a melan- choly story with no particular meaning; "The......