3 AUGUST 1945, page 2

The National Trust's Jubilee

The National Trust celebrated its fiftieth birthday at the Mansion House last Monday, when Lord Zetland announced the transfer to its care of one more historic mansion, Coughton......

Back To The Universities

It would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of securing a flow of able and well-educated young men for recruitment into the public services and professions in the......

General Weygand's Evidence

General Weygand's evidence in the trial of Marshal Petain throws a good deal of light on the confusion that prevailed in France in May and June, 194o, in political and military......

A Cultural League Of Nations

When the San Francisco Conference was drawing to its close it came to be realised how important a part in the new world organisa- tion was allotted to the Economic and Social......

The Charter Ratified

The United States Senate has been prompt in giving a lead to the world by the ratification of the Security Charter with a vote of 89 for and 2 against. It thus reverses the......

The French Constitution

Last week the French Consultative Assembly took the bit between its teeth and rejected the Government's Bill providing for a referen- dum on the constitutional issue, and voted......