3 AUGUST 1951, page 5

The Ironical Thing Is That The Government Could Not, And

knows that it could not, run the country if it did not itself rely extensively on the principle of " tied " cottages. Almost none of its agencies, from the Foreign Office to the......

A Man I Knew, Who Commands A Territorial Infantry Battalion,

took his horse out on a recent exercise, which was held in country unsuitable for the vehicle with which the Army pro- vides him. " There may," he told me afterwards, " have......

Homework For Politicians

HE holiday task with which the Chancellor of the Exchequer has sent the Members of Parliament home for ten weeks is a stiff one. Any of them who may at first have been tempted......

If A Man Accepts A Job As A Cowman, Moves

into the cowman's cottage and then decides to go and work for bigger money in a nearby factory or (as happened the other day to a cowman I khow) wins £50,000 in a football pool,......

The Disadvantage Of Being Ruled By Doctrinaires, Most Of...

town-bred, is well exemplified by the question of " tied " cottages, to which at the week-end 'Dr. Dalton made some characteristically statesmanlike references. The principle......

I Strongly Sympathise With Lord Kinross's Suggestion,...

letter to The Times this week, that passports should have more pages in them. My current one, like its predecessor, is already double-yolked ; that is to say, it consists of two......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HOUGH it is a pretty good waste of time arguing with the Russians, who only get indignant if you question their assertion that (for instance) black is white, one point in......

Until I Read Black Friday, A Pamphlet Published By The

National Union of Protestants, I had not realised how many of our troubles were due to the fact that Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh visited the Pope in the Vatican......