3 DECEMBER 1988, page 31

Books Of The Year

A further selection of the best and most overrated books of the year, chosen by some of The Spectator's regular reviewers. John McEwen The Field Book of Country Houses and Their......

Christopher Booker

Anyone who in the past 30 years has found Laurens van der Post's The Lost World of the Kalahari one of the unforgettable books of our time should read the new edition (Chatto,......

Harold Acton

Since the death of Evelyn Waugh I have considered Graham Greene the finest Eng- lish novelist. He never fails to stimulate and absorb one's interest and haunt one's memory. The......

Anne Chisholm

A remarkable exchange of letters, A Noble Combat (edited by Klemens von Klemper- er, Clarendon Press, £19.50), the corres- pondence (1932-9) of Sheila Grant Duff, a fiercely......