3 JUNE 1899, page 15

Church Parties And The World.

[TO THE EDITOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I think your correspondent "W. G. S. M." will find the best explanation of the "attitude maintained towards the world by Catholics" in......

[to The Editor Op Tee "spectator."] S111, — Will You...

to endorse the criticism of Mr. C. R• Haines on the advantages of Latin over English for memorial S - - inscriptions I think an even more striking instance than the epitaph on......

Rro The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—in Reply To The

question raised by your correspondent "W. G. S. M.," may I submit to your readers a theory which seems to me to account for the peculiarity which he describes The mediaeval......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator.")

SIR, — In every department of life exceptions are to be found which prove the rule. The conclusions at which your corre- spondent "W. G. S. M.," in the Spectator of May 27th,......