3 MARCH 1923, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HERE is abroad to-day one of those strange indefinite "feelings in the air" that warn us from time to time that things are changing. Everyone suddenly seems to have come to......

It Was On These Signs Of Improvement That Lord Curzon

dwelt in his speech ate the Aldwych Club on Tuesday. It was somewhat significant that at the end of his optimistic survey he stated that he had no time to speak of Russia and......

This, Then, Is A French Conception Of The Form That

changes in Europe are to take—a re-grouping of the Powers under the old system. But there is another sign of change in Europe. Everywhere but in the Ruhr valley things are......

The Turks-in Council At Angora Are Elaborating Counter...

the Lausanne terms. All hope of their signing the treaty as it stands seems to haye gone. The truth is that till the Allies either come to a really firm agreement on a common......

The Foreign Relations Committee Of The Senate At...

decided to postpone to the next session of Congress all action in regard to President Harding's request that the United States should become a member of the International Court......

Hence A Bold Coup Which Will Change The Whole Balance

of the situation is necessary. The first idea was the creation, as an alternative to the moribund Entente, of a Latin bloc of Belgium, France and Italy. But the great......

The First Is Predominantly French, Both In Origin And In

inclination. Thiers called the French the " demon people," always restlessly seeking to change, to reshape the map of. Europe. And to-day there can be no doubt that......