3 MARCH 1933, page 36

Shelley Sees It Through

The Life of Shelley : ae comprised in The Life of Shelley by T. J. Hogg ; the Recollections of Shelley and Byron by E. J. Trelawny; Memoirs of Shelley by T. L. Peacock With an......

Gold Bricks

Ivar Kreuger. 13y George Soloveytchik. (Peter Davies. 5s.) CONSIDER the Financier : at school apt for sharp practice ; in love secretive and promiscuous ; diffident and charming......

Hospitals And Social Services

The Hospital Almoner. (Published by a Committee of the Hos- pital Almoners' Association, Tavistock Square, London. 3s.) SOME people now look upon hospitals as purely technical......