3 MAY 1902, page 14

Flying Childers.'

[To THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—I happened to read in the Spectator of April 26th a review of "A History of the Turf," and among other inter- esting comments something......

Japan: Our New Ally.

rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "Rpm-rims:1 SIR,—In your review of my new book, " Japan : Our New Ally," in the Spectator of April 12th, you state that "four- fifths of the Chamber voted......

The Horse Of The Future. Pro Tiez Editor Op The

"SPECTATOR."] SIRr - I can entirely endorse what Mr. Tower Townshend says in the Spectator of April 26th about the value of a cross between the Welsh pony and a thoroughbred......


THE CHILD'S GRAVE. WE let his grave return to grass. Sweet grass in shine and showers, Where the winds sing, the shadows Wraps that lost lamb of ours. Oh, why should Earth so......

[to Thz Editor Op The " Spectator.,

Snr,—In the Spectator of April 26th you despair of inducing the Nonconformists to approach the Education Bill in a spirit of compromise. We are too "excited." And all the blame......