3 NOVEMBER 1883, page 15

Vivisection And The Inheritance Of Deformities.

[To TES EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sri,—Professor Lankester must be aware, (1), that the experi- ments to which he alludes in his letter to the Spectator are too repulsive in......

[to The Editor Or The "spectator."]

'&34—Your article of September 29th has elicited many letters, and I shall feel obliged by your publication of the following statement with reference to the above practical and......

Children And Their Dinners.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — The letter of your correspondent under this head seems= to me to suggest some grave considerations. The children to- whom the dinners......

Ere Tes Editor Of The " Brscratos.") Sir,—it May Interest

some of your readers to know that for some years an Association in Edinburgh has provided, during the winter months, two meals a day, for a large number of very poor children,......

Reading For Reading's Sake.

I To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—,1 propos of Lord Justice Fry's strictures on reading for mere amusement, may I ask you to find room for the following pregnant......