3 NOVEMBER 1950, page 2

Justice For Teachers ?

The general verdict of the teaching profession itself on the new salary scales announced by the Burnham Committee this week is likely to be that while the increments proposed......

Nationalisation Under Review

The working of nationalised industries is to be subject to periodical review. Almost casually, and with a noticeable lack of precision as to detail, Mr. Morrison made this......

Tibet's Turn Chinese Communist Forces Of Unknown Strength...

Tibet from the east and north-east, where the wide and sparsely populated districts of Chinghai and Sikang, though forming part of the Tibetan massif, have for many years been......

Common Sense About Spain

There seems a good prospect that the United Nations Assembly will reverse its decision of 1946, declaring a partial diplomatic boycott of Spain, and open the door to the asso-......

The Ethics 'of Gamblipg

The report of the Social and Industrial Commission of the Church Assembly on the ethics of betting and gambling is an interesting and in some ways surprising document. The......