3 OCTOBER 1874, page 1

The Times Has Been Authorised To Contradict The...

have been for some time in circulation, but which have of late been repeated aloud with much circumstantial detail in the World, and several foreign journals, on the subject of......

R -44; The Spirit Of Religious Persecution, To Do A

little persecution on her own account in her relation to the Christians of Tur- key. Mr. James Davis, who writes from " the Evangelical Alliance " to the Times of Wednesday,......

The Republicans Carried The Maine-et-loire Election...

united forces of the Septennalista and Imperialists, at the second ballot, on Sunday, by a majority of 3,390 votes (51,417 against 48,027). Moreover, the successful candidate,......

How To Explain The Absurd Expression Of Irish Wrath Against

Mr. Gladstone for asserting that ever since " the bloody reign of Mary" it has never been possible to Romanise the English people, and that it is more impossible than ever since......

News Of The Week.

M R. GLADSTONE'S paper on Ritualism, to which every poli- tician had looked forward with profound interest, has appeared, and has apparently given very needless umbrage,—to the......

M. Thiers Made A Remarkable Speech To The Inhabitants Of

Grenoble last Sunday, in answer to a complimentary address from them. He declared that he could never have put down the Commune except in the name of the Republic, so determined......

Q',* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...
