3 SEPTEMBER 1932, page 12

A Hundred Years Ago

THE " SPECTATOR," SEPTEMBER 1ST, 1832. A day or two ago, in an adjoining village, a tall raw-boned son of the Green Island was pursued by those harmless doves yelept beadles.......

Garden Mood

I SAT in the deep garden with my friend Near murmuring trees, upon dew-heavy grass ; We watched our stolen years lean through the glass Of memory whose moving form would bend......


Summer Shows IF the regular follower of exhibitions will find little new material to arrest his attention at the few galleries which keep their doors open at this time of year,......


" To-Morrow will be Friday." A Comedy by Phillip Leaver. At the Haymarket Theatre. THERE is a book, I fancy in several volumes, to be written on the subject of literary debts.......