4 AUGUST 1883, page 3


On Friday Week, In The House Of Commons, The Debate

on the Indian contribution towards the Egyptian war—which Mr. Gladstone described as a contribution of about one-seventh of its ekpenaes — was brought to a close, and Mr.......

A Crowded Meeting Was Held In Willis's Rooms On Wednesday,

under the presidency of Mr. Bright, to support Lord Ripon's Indian policy in relation to what is called the Ilbert Bill,—the Bill permitting a few Native Judges who are members......

The Marquis Of Waterford Yesterday Week Opened Another...

on the Irish Land Act, by a speech in which he assumed that the Lords' Committee,—who had examined the Chief Commissioners and a few Sub-Commissioners, one gentleman who had......

Captain Webb's Body Has Been Found At Lewiston, On The

Niagara River, seven miles below the Falls. There was a bad fracture of the skull. But the doctors profess to have dis- covered that this injury was inflicted after death, and......

A Conservative Meeting, To Neutralise The Effect Of The...

meeting on the Dbert Bill, was held in the Town Hall, Lime- house, on Thursday, under the presidency of Mr. Stanhope. Mr. Stanhope's speech was very moderate, insisting rather......

On Saturday Last, The French Senate Adopted That...

the new Bill on the Magistracy of France which suspends for three months judicial irremoveability, by the small majority of 3,-133 Senators voting for it, and 130 against it. It......

On Tuesday, The House Took The Report On The English

Agricultural Holdings Bill, and struck oat, by a majority of 90 (166 against 76), Mr. Balfour's amendment, which had limited compensation under parts one and two of the first......