4 AUGUST 1917, page 2

Mc Ianeing, The Secretary Of State, Gave America's Very...

answer to Herr Michaelis on Monday in a speech to the Officers' Reserve Corps in New York. The fine words of Germany's auto- - cantle rulers were worthless; their promises, as......

On Thursday Week Mr. Ramsay. Ma Donald Invited The House

of Commons to express its approval of the so-called peace resolution adopted by a majority of the Garman Reichstag on July 19th. German politicians are still disputing over the......

Mr. Asquith In A Weighty Speech Showed That Mr. Macdonald

was building castles in the air. The Reichstag had no influence upon the German Government, and its resolution was "-an array of more or less ambiguous generalities," to which......

As The War Began With The South Slav Question, So

it is certain that-there can be no stable peace till that question is settled. The news that a South Slav Kingdom is definitely in the making is excellent. To strike the......

Count Ceernin, Evidently By Arrangement, On-the Same Day...

to theVienna journalists, complimenting the German Chancellor on the crystal clearness of the speech which Mr. Lloyd George had • described as equivocal. The Austrian Minister......

H. Ribot. The French Premier, Has Promptly Denied The...

of HerrIfichaelis. It was true, he told the Chamber on Tuesday, that the ex-Tsar had in February last agreed to support the claim ef France to Alsace-Lorraine, and, if......

Mr. Balfour In The House On Monday Made An Important

speech, showing clearly why the Governmenteould not enter Intodetailed expositions of the war aims of-the Allies. . In, their broad principles our war aims. are well known. -How......

Herr Haase, The German Minority Socialist, In A Recent...

kr the Reichstag on the origins of the war, referred to "the meeting of July 5th, 1914," as a matter that required explanation. In last Saturday's Times a well-informed......

'we Cennot Help Expressing Our Deep Pleasure In The Quality

of America's help, and in the American recognition of. the -fact that the United States, while she is helping us, is - in the strictest sense defending herself. With an unbeaten......

Mr. Lloyd George Told The House Of Commons Journalists On

Monday - that, after three years" of war, "the French spirit is as buoyant, courageous, and resolute as ever." if, Ito said, we and the French held together, we should get......

Herr Michaelis, The New Chancellor, In A Speech To The

Berlin reporters on Saturday last, denounced Great Britain and France for harbouring plans of conquest, whereas, by implication but not by direct statement, he was ready to......

Delegates From The Southern Slav Provinces Of...

six weeks' Conference with the Serbian Government at Corfu, have drafted a charter for the future "Kingdom of the Serb., Croats, and Slovenes" under the Karageorgevitch dynasty.......