4 AUGUST 1990, page 22

Unkindest Cut

Sir: In the review of Reunion (Arts, 21 July), your film critic writes: 'This intelli- gent film written by Harold Pinter with sensitivity and a sharp wit . . Well, well. No......

A Talent To Abuse

Sir: There is probably no point in taking issue with Paul Johnson over his summing- up of the Rushdie affair (The media, 28 July), but one point (and probably to Johnson a very......

Sir: I Have Only Just Seen Geoffrey Wheat- Croft's...

about Michael Hesel- tine, and I think a reply is badly needed. To suggest that the former Secretary of State does not have an interesting and highly original mind is, I can......

A Taxi Driver Writes

Sir: I write in response to an article by Marina Salandy Brown (Taxi! Police! Ambulance!' 7 July) and feel I must correct her at least on her criticism of the police and their......

Hot And Bothered

Sir: We mostly enjoyed Damian Thomp- son's article about Christian Aid's Coven- try festival ('Politics begins at home', 28 July), particularly the clean-shaven among us who......

Fresh 'air Fiend

Sir: Geoffrey Wheatcroft (Diary, 7 July) was rather less than kind to quote Jorrocks in describing Mr Hese!tine as that `Hossifer in the Ninety-fust regiment wot looks like an......