4 DECEMBER 1926, page 12

A Road-making Suggestion.

The importance of saving rural England from the builder of " concrete mendacities " was discussed recently in the Spectator. I return to the subject, partly to indicate the......

Country Life And Sport

A NEW ERA IN CONSERVATION. The first results of a country scheme very dear to the heart of the late . Lord Milner are just becoming visible in the Garden of England, and the......

A Sugar-beet Discovery.

It is a cheering sight in East Anglia on any one of these winter days to watch the last and latest of our harvests. For though too many districts in rural England are losing men......

More Doos.

The next of the great dog shows will contain much evidence of the invincible capacity of the British for finding and making' new varieties. The very newest sort is a dog of......

The Life Of Captive Birds.

The recent escape of an old parrot and its dislike of freedom suggests a still unsolved problem whether birds in captivity live longer or less long than in the wild. Certainly......