4 FEBRUARY 1938, page 24

Mr. Fisher's Postscript

A History of Europe. By the Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher. New and revised edition. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 3 vols. 30s.) MR. Flumes Europe is already a classic, though it is less......

More Letters Of Queen Victoria

Further Letters of Queen Victoria. Edited by Hector Bolitho. (Thornton Butterworth. 158.) THESE letters of Queen Victoria from the Charlottenburg col- lection, admirably......

The Completion Of A Classic

An Economic History of Modern Britain. Vol. III (1887- 1914) with an Epilogue (1914-1929). By J. H. Clapham. (Cambridge University Press. 25s.) Moan than thirty years ago Dr.......