4 JUNE 1910, page 17

The Veteran Reserve.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIB,—Hearty congratulations to the Spectator on the issue of the Regulations constituting a Veteran Reserve ! Do not, however, be alarmed......

Fro The Editor Of The " Spectator.1 Sir,—may I Be

allowed to say how entirely I agree with the opinion expressed by you in your leading article of last Satur- day with reference to the functions of the Veteran Reserve ? It......

A University Standard In Home Science.

[To TRH EDITOR OF THE " STIICTATOR.”] Srn, — The hospitality of your columns has been so kindly extended to support the movement for providing University education in home......

The Ancient Roman Church In England. [to The Editor Or

TER " splacr.roz.-] Sra,—May I make a brief comment upon what I cannot but call an astounding assertion of a correspondent, "A. W. D.," in last week's Spectator ? I should be......

Anglicanism And Modernism.

[To THE EDITOR Or TUB " StECTATOR."] Sin,—A good deal of misconception is imported into the subject which odrgs has discussed in your issue of May 21st with so much insight by......