4 MARCH 1843, page 11


SATURDAY NIGHT. The House of Commons spent several hours last night in the most desultory of all desultory debates in Committee of Supply ; the busi- ness being the votes on the......

The Debate In The French Chamber Of Deputies, On The

Secret Service Fund Bill, which commenced on Wednesday, with a violent Anti- Ministerial speech by M. Ledru Rollin, was continued with animation on Thursday. The vote is......

A Despatch Has Been Received From The Honourab!e John D.

Bligh, her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Hanover, reporting that the marriage between his Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Hanover......


" The present made by Queen Victoria," says the Journal de Frank- fort, " to the Prince Royal of Hanover on his marriage, will probably be the richest of any presented on the......

Some " Excitement " Has Been Created In Dublin By

a "great Repeal debate " in the Dublin Corporation. Mr. O'Connell moved a petition to Parliament for Repeal of the Union; and, after three days' debate, he carried the motion,......

Papers Have Been Received From The Cape Of Good Hope

to the 30th of December, the latest date from Graham's Town being the 29th. The left division of Colonel Hare's force had reached Tarka on the 24th, and was expected to be at......

To Correspondents.

Z, in reply to Colonel TORRENS, will be inserted in our next Number. We must also endeavour tofind room for J. M. L. on the Law of Libel.......

The Trial Of M'naughten, At The Central Criminal Court, Was

con- tinued today, with the prcspect of running to a very late hour, or of being again adjourned. Mr. Cockburn rested the defence upon the in- sanity of the prisoner ; giving......

A Strange Procession Entered The Royal Mint Yesterday...

five waggons and a cart bearing Chinese silver to the value of 1,000,000 dollars, escorted by a detachment of the Sixtieth Regiment, and followed by a crowd of people. The money......