4 MARCH 1899, page 2

On The Division Only 58 Members Were Found Willing To

vote for Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's Motion, while 167 voted against it,—a majority of 109. Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerman's extraordinary speech, and still more extra-......

Mr. Courtney Supported Mr. Morley's Motion. His Record In...

to the Soudan is absolutely clear, and therefore, though we may disagree with his conclusions, no one can deny his right to protest against and denounce the ad- vance.......

On Friday Week Mr. Morley, In An Elaborately Impassioned...

arraigned the Sondanese policy of the Government, and drew a gloomy picture of the results of depending upon mercenary troops and of extending the area of the Empire that could......

A Long And Most Interesting Telegram In Friday's Daily...

sets forth the real situation in the Soudan, and explains much that was before unintelligible. Colonel Kitchener's able reconnaissance to Lake Sherkeleh—a place one hundred and......

How Fast The Great Liberals Of Our Time Are Disappearing

either from life or from the scene of action! Mr. Gladstone is dead, Lord Rosebery has retired to his tent, Sir William Harcourt has resigned his leadership, Mr. Morley has dis-......

It Is With Intense Pleasure That We Are Able To

record, if not the recovery of Mr. Kipling, at any rate his passage from extreme danger to comparative security. During the greater part of the past week he has literally been......

Was There Ever Such A Spectacle Seen Before As China

now presents ? The rulers of the vast Empire are parting bit by bit with all sovereign rights over their own coast, and obtaining nothing for them,—not even exemption from......

More News From China Has Been Received This Week, Of

course of the usual kind. The Germans are asking, and, of course, will obtain, new railway privileges in Shantung, which, as the railways must be protected, will involve a......