4 MARCH 1966, page 14

Confused Panorama Sir,—mr. Robert Rhodes James In His...

The Proud Tower describes himself as 'infuriated,' a curious mood for a critic but perhaps the fact that he often writes in the same period suggests that it may be the fury of......

Oxford Novels Sir,—only Two And A Half Successful Oxford...

What about Part 3 of Sinister Street, Sonia, and The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Greene? TIMOTHY BEAUMONT 59 West Heath Road, London, NW3......

Sir,—never Have I Heard Such An Unsupported Non- Argument In

defence of the grammar school! Mr. Smith.should choose his quotations more carefully: nothing could be less clear than describing ths com- prehensive system as 'a regrettable......

Ste,—if Young Mr. Ian Smith (absit Omen!) Wishes To Stand

forth as a champion of grammar-school education against what he calls, revealingly enough. 'the bogy of comprehension,' he will do well to purge his future letters of such......