4 MAY 1895, page 1

The First Of May, Which Only Three Years Ago Was

so greatly dreaded by all Governments except our own, passed off this year in nearly unbroken quiet. The Labour party in many places marched and demonstrated ; but there was not......

No Definite News As To The Interference Of " Europe

" in the Treaty of Simonoseki, has reached London this week. The three Powers—Russia, Germany, and France—have remon- strated at Tokio, and have represented that Japan ought not......

The Expedition To Chitral May Be Considered Over, Orders...

been issued to General Low to abstain from a further advance, and to return to India as soon as con- veniently may be. E here Afzul, who besieged the fortress, has been made......

The Budget Opened On Thursday By Sir William Harcourt Was

financially a tame one, the only sensation being the con- cession made to the Nationalists in the shape of a remission of the extra Spirit-duty imposed last year, the extra......

News Of The Week.

T HERE is some danger, though probably not much, that the situation in the Far East may suddenly become acute. The idea is that the French Government, pressed by the 'Opposition......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any...
