4 MAY 1956, page 38

63 9 The Winners Of Crossword No. 884 :ire: Dr. J.

A. 13. STmART , Street, Clare, Suffolk, and MR. E. G. Hose, Yuttendon, NewburY,......

Strict Sonnets

A prize of six guineas was offered for a sonnet using the rhymes given as'illustration of this verse form by the Concise Oxford Dictionary (e.g., pig bat cat wig jig hat rat......

Spectator Competition No. 325 Set By Allan 0. Waith

Pure water is the best of gifts that moo l° man can bring, But who am I that I should have the be st of everything? Let princes revel at the pump, let peers Wi th' ponds make......

Spectator Crossword No. 886

ACROSS 1 'And that one - which is death to hide' (Milton) (6). 4 Although the poor usher was in debt, he was genial (8). 9 The tongue of a shoe (6). 10 The author of I could cut......