4 NOVEMBER 1911, page 33

John Malcolm Ludlow.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I have been looking in your correspondence columns for some appreciation of a sturdy champion of good causes, social and political. You......

Sir Edward Fry And The " Cadbury And Rowntree Newspapers."

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. ") SIR, — After more than twenty-five years in fellowship with. the Spectator I am tempted to write you my first letter, feel- ing that you......

" L'evolution Creatrice." Uro Tee Editor 07 Ter "epectator."

SIR,—Your quotation in a previous number of the Spectator from Mr. Balfour's teleological criticism on M. Bergson's metaphysics was extremely interesting with the mention also......

" Curiosa. Felicitas."

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR. - 3 Sin, — I should like to ask whether any of your readers can suggest an exact English equivalent of the above phrase. The phrase does not......

Lto The Editos Of The " Spectator."]

SIE,—May I appeal to your courtesy for permission to correct two or three misunderstandings that have arisen from the letter of mine inserted in your issue of October 21st P (1)......