4 NOVEMBER 1955, page 20

Letters To The Editor

Oxford Divided Senior Censor of Christ Church Cyprus Col. Const. Martintm Mr. Butler's Budget Sir Angus Watson, Col. R. C. Harris School Holidays J. M. Knowles, R. H. Ardler Au......


Stit,—In his letter to you (Spectator, Septem- ber 23), Sir Richmond Palmer, obviously ig- noring the history of Cyprus, Turkey and Greece, made some rather astounding state-......

Mr. Butler's Budget Sir,—mr. Butler Asserts That He Has...

new taxation in his Budget which spreads the burden among all individual citizens, but is this true? He does nothing about the £2,000 million of waste expenditure incurred on......

School Holidays

SIR,—In your issue of October 28 the Re v .; Mr. Pendril Bentall declares that Mr. Vatigins" Wilkes's statement about school hours iss parish like the writer's' leads to the......

Sir,—during The Past Ten Years Both The Co; Servative And

the Socialist Parties have had ample opportunity to find and apply the remedy for the economic weakness of ibis kingdom. Obviously neither party has been successful. One can......
