4 NOVEMBER 1966, page 6

The General's Ultimatum

ELECTIONS —1 From MARC ULLMANN PARIS F OR Frenchmen, the most important passage in General de Gaulle's press conference last Friday was what he had to say about the par-......

Bma Syndrome

MEDICINE TODAY By JOHN ROWAN WILSON A WEEK or two ago the BMA announced that it was opening a new department of audio- visual communications, aimed largely at public health......

A Crack In The Liberal Marble?

ELECTIONS —2 From MURRAY KEMPTON NEW YORK W HAT is likely to come out of next Tuesday's mid-term elections is nothing more tangible than the sense that the political......

Tte Zpectator

November 3, 1866 Venetia has voted herself Italian by 641,758 to 69, which, considering that Venice was Italian by the will of Heaven, whether she voted it or no, is highly......