4 OCTOBER 1884, page 24

Voice, Song, And Speech. By Lennox Browne And Emil Behnke.

(Sampson Low and Co.)—This work, which, although not published till the early part of the present year, has already reached a third edition, presents a happy combination of the......

Current Literature.

The Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. With a Prefatory Notice, Biographical and Critical, by Joseph Skipsey. (Walter Scott, London and Newcastle-on-Tyne.)—This is the first......

The Magazines.

THE Fortnightly is full of bright papers. We do not, indeed, understand the motive which induces Editors of Magazines to publish articles about the second Duke of Wellington, an......

Ulrica. By Cecil Clarke. 3 Vols. (tinsley Brothers.)—we...

particular reason why this story should have been called a "romance," unless that title may be taken as a sufficient excuse for the characters not talking or acting as men and......

A History Of Ancient Sculpture. By Lucy M. Mitchell. (kegan

Paul, Trench, and Co.)—This handsome volume, a large octavo of more than 700 pages, copiously illustrated, is a valuable contribution to the history of its subject, all the more......