4 OCTOBER 1890, page 27

The Magazines.

THE " Remarks about South Africa by a South African," in the Fortnightly Review, are not very instructive. The writer is evidently either a Dutch Colonist or an Englishman who......

The World's Great _explorers : Mungo Park And The Niger.

By Joseph Thomson. (Philip and Son.)—Probably no African ex- plorer has had greater difficulties to overcome than Mungo Park, and it may be doubted if any traveller has......

Five Neat And Handy Volumes, Belonging To The " Nuggets

for Travellers Series" (William Paterson and Co.), are Love Tales, with the differentia of being English, Scottish, Irish, American, and German. Various authors, among whom we......

Matters, Not The Least Important Being " Commission."...

said to be increasing. "Commission is frequently paid to the assured himself, or divided with the agent." In France, 20 per cent. per annum is regularly paid. Mr. Bourne thinks......

Current Literature.

Speeches Delivered in India. By the Marquis of Dufferin and Ara. (John Murray.)—" Lord Dufferin," writes Mr. D. M. Wallace, who edits this book, "was compelled during his term......

Proceedings Of The Royal Colonial Institute. Vol. Xxi....

the Secretary. (Colonial Institute.)—The contents of this volume are of an interest as wide and varied as usual. We may specify the paper by Mr. Matthew Macfie on " Aids to......

The Readers Of Certain Very Entertaining Columns In The...

London News will be glad to renew their acquaintance with what must often have given them the pleasure of a very hearty laugh. Notes from the News, by James Payn (Chatto and......