4 SEPTEMBER 1852, page 2

The Trial Of Andries Botha At The Cape Of Good

Hope belongs to the class of causes celebres. Mr. Botha has been sentenced for "high treason," and may have already been hanged, unless the sen- tence of the judge has been......

Public Expectation Begins To Define The Next " Annexation "

in India. It is assumed that what is dangerous to us from its rest- less contumacy must be seized to bring it completely within the screw of British power ; and Pegu is......

Ght Airtropolio.

The Board of Health have, in consequence of the recent news from abroad, expressed their formal opinion to the Government that two me- dical officers should be specially......

Int Court.

THE progress of the Queen to her Northern retreat was attended by the usual rejoicings which testify to the loyalty of the people. Her Majesty left Osborne at a quarter-past ten......

Alarm At The Advances Of The Cholera, We Suppose, Gave

rise to a rumour that it had broken out at Magdeburg. This is incorrect, but it shows how prevailing is the consternation on the Continent. Cholera has appeared at Konigsberg on......