4 SEPTEMBER 1880, page 1

Mr. Forster, On His Side, Pointed Out That The Meetings

of the Laud League, so far from carrying off the steam which would otherwise result in outrages, as Mr. Parnell maintains, almost invariably result in new crops of outrages. Mr.......

In All Probability, We Shall Hear Of A Great Battle

between General Roberts and Ayoub Khan in the course of to-day or Monday. The accounts speak of proposals for negotia- tion on the part of Ayoub Khan, and of apologetic mes-......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Returnmanuscript In...


Mr. Tuke Has Publishel A Second Edition Of His Weighty

pamphlet on " Irish Distress and its Remedies " (published by Ridgway), to which we called atienfin on its first appearance. In a postscript added to this claim, be gives the......

The Irish Members Appear To Be Guided By Somewhat Peculiar

ideas of their own in their occasional twenty hours' sittings. As we understand it, the only object of the mouster sitting of last week, which lasted from four on the Thursday......

News Of The Week

• G ENERAL ROBERTS'S great march,—as brilliant a military operation as has been undertaken since General Sherman's march—has been made, and had brought him safely to Candahar,......

Parliament Was To Have Been Prorogued On Tuesday Next, But

the delay in passing the Appropriation Bill caused by the very unjustifiable conduct of the Peers in throwing out the Irish Registration Bill, solely because it came up to them......