4 SEPTEMBER 1920, page 21


PEREGRINE IN LOVE.• Miss Fox &urn has chosen an attractive title for her story, which is excellent of its amphibious kind, though we could have done with more of the seafaring......

A Child Of The Alps.*

THOSE who, while they like " reflective essays," " vignettes of travel," " idylls of the soil," and, above all, idylls of Alpine scenery, like them well stirred up with fiction......

Trout Fishing.*

THERE is a certain type of sporting book—the subject, perhaps, is oftener shooting than fishing—which the reader lays down with irritation more than with envy. Its author is too......

The White Hen. By Phyllis Campbell. (mills And Boon. 7s.

6d. net.)—This book is most arresting to the English reader, although as fiction it is full of faults, having an invincible senti- mentality and a fairy tale quality which......