5 APRIL 1834, page 9

The Peers In Their Judicial Capacity.

" When Lord Denman attended the House of Peers on Tuesday, for the purpose of taking the oaths and his seat, there were no Peers present to introduce his Lordship. 'f lue......

Ignorant Juries.

" At the late Derby Assizes, the petit jurors were deliberating over their vet diet in a case of stealing from the person, at Chesterfield, wherein two men and a woman were......

The Iniquitous Law Of Libel; Case Of The Shrewsbury...

PROOFS of the necessity of amending the Law of Libel are multi- plied.weekly. Even in its mildest and least objectionable form, it sanctions gross injustice. A recent trial at......

Cruel Punishments On False Pretences.

THE sentence passed on the Dorchester Unionists has been tho subject of much discussion. It appears, under all the circum- stances of the case, to be disproportioned to the......