5 AUGUST 1876, page 3

Popular Songs, Particularly If They Are Rather Vulgar And...

teal, are, it appears, often very important copyrights. Mr. Sprake, on Thursday, sued, in the Common Pleas Division, Messrs. Hey- wood for inserting four songs, known as "The......

The Italian And Egyptian Governments Are Engaged In A...

quarrel. A Central-African expedition recently left Italy, under the command of the Marchese Antinori, who was furnished with an autograph letter from the King to the Khedive.......

The Correspondent Of The Times At Constantinople Gives,...

an account of a transaction in the Turkish islands which shows, better than a volume of argument, how Turks govern. The people of the Southern Sporades, about 115,000 in number,......

The Bill For Preventing The Sale Of Liquor On Sundays

in Ireland, though carried in the House of Commons against the Government, has been practically dropped. The Government at heart disliked the Bill, and proposed that, if passed,......

The Impeachment Of General Belknap, The American...

has ended in an acquittal. General Belknap was accused of selling the appointments of " traders "—that is, purveyors to the forts—and on his own confession was im- peached......

The Home-rulers Made Another Attempt On Tuesday To...

release of the nine Fenians still in durance, but were defeated by 117 to 51. The debate owed its importance to a speech from M. Bright, in which he appeared to lay down two of......

Mr. Jenkins On Friday Week Raised A Debate On Barbadoes,

which was made unimportant on Tuesday by Lord Carnarvon's statement, but we cannot pass over one singular remark from Mr. Lowther. Mr. Pope Hennessy finds that in this island......

It Appears That The Pashas, Who Are Now, During The

illness of the Sultan, supreme at Constantinople, are so convinced of Mr. Disraeli's friendship, that they even venture to withhold the in- terest on the guaranteed loan of......

The Announcement Now Publicly Made That The Rev. Dr....

Professor of Divinity and Church History in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, and minister of Old Greyfriars' Church in that city, has resigned both church and chair, and become a......

Consols Were On Friday 961 To 96i.
