5 AUGUST 1882, page 24

Confessions Of A Medium, (griffith And Farritn.)—the...

"King's evidence," and revealed the tricks and impos- tures which he helped to practise in times past. This kind of evid- ence is sometimes very useful, even indispensable, but......

Atlantis : The ,,entedituvian World. By Ignatius, Donnelly.

(Sampson Low and Co.)—This is one of the queerest books of the sancta simplicitas order that ever were written. Mr. Donnelly has manifestly dipped into all sorts of writers,......

Hlew Readings And New Renderings Of Shakespeare's...

Halford 'aughan. Volume II. (Kogan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Mr. Vaughan takes in this volame Henry V. and the Three Parts of Henry VI. The three latter he thinks to have been "if......


Discourses and Addresses on Leading 'ild of Religion and Thilosoplvy. I3y the Rev. J. H. Rigg, D.D. (Wesleyan Conference Office.)—It would be quite impossible in Ei short notice......

The Oedipus Tyranwas Of Sophocles, With Translation,...

By B. K. Kennedy, D.D. (University Press, Cambridge.) —In this edition the text is followed (it might better have been ac- companied) by a verse translation, with foot-notos. An......

The Bible Of Christ And His Apostles. By Alexander Roberts,

D.D. (Cassell, Potter, Galpin, and Co.)—It has been commonly supposed that our Lord and his Apostles spoke a Hebrew which was a sort of patois made up of a mixture of Syriac and......