5 AUGUST 1893, page 2

On Monday, The Annual General Meeting Of "the Imperial...

East Africa Company " was held at Winchester House. The Company's case against the Government was put con- cisely in certain questions addressed by a shareholder (Mr. Bishop) to......

After The Storm, A Calm. The Week At Home Has

been refresh- ingly dull. On Monday, indeed, the House of Commons was the scene of a public "act of contrition,"—or rather, perhaps, " attrition," as the Catholic theologians......

Sir George Trevelyan Introduced The Educational Estimate...

Friday week, and Mr. Acland that for England and Wales on Monday. The Scottish vote was £548,073, an in- crease of £16,000, but the total cost of education in Scotland is......

Lord Wemyss Raised A Discussion On Friday Week As To

the cost to the country of suppressing licences, supposing the Local Veto Bill should succeed in putting down the sale of alcohol. The Excise at present covered more than three-......

The Member For Hereford, Mr. W. H. Grenfell, Has Given

notice that, since the adoption by the Government of the policy of retaining the Irish Members for all purposes,— British as well as Irish,—he can no longer count himself a sup-......

Mr. Gladstone Has Addressed A Letter To Mr. John Cowan,

of Beeslack, the chairman of his Midlothian Committee, on the subject of the Ninth Clause in the Home-rule Bill as it has now been remodelled by the Government. Mr. Gladstone is......

Under The Heading, "anti-amnesty Sentiments From An...

from Ireland points out that the Irish Catholic of July 22nd expresses great indignation be- cause Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, has granted a free pardon to the remaining......

On Thursday, Mr. Hayes Fisher, In Addressing His Con-...

in Fulham, stated that when he saw Mr. Logan approach Mr. Carson, he believed that " Mr. Logan was really going to strike a blow." "If be had behaved in a similar manner and had......